Thursday, September 29, 2016

Afternoons and Goodbyes

The majority of this blog focuses on our tasks during the first part of the day, 8:30-1:00. Despite the simplicity of the second part, we cannot negate it.

Everyday, the children have a 30-40 minute enrichment class at 1:10 or 1:45: movement (twice), dance, basketball, and yoga. During this time we prep, and I blog. When the children come back, we either have outdoor time, free play inside, or finish a task, then have snack.

In the first two weeks, we were finding it difficult to have a significant ending to our day; we didn't want to do a final meeting before snack- being that they were still in the classroom for snack, it felt a bit meaningless. A meeting after snack was almost impossible- everyone finishes snack at a different time and their ability to focus is virtually gone.

Is a meeting necessary at the very end of the day when we have already had two or three? 

How can we make an end of day routine that feels final and comfortable?

SOLUTION - our new routine: snack, outside shoes (we were house slippers inside), sunblock, book, goodbye. To say goodbye, the children line up at the door. They can choose a high five, hug or handshake. Most children choose to do all three. I make this a fun and individualized experience for them.

One child absolutely warms my heart every day; she says, "I have to tell you something". Meaning, 'lean down so I can whisper in your ear'. I lean over, and she whispers, "I love you very much". I act surprised every time and say, "I have something to tell you!" I lean over and whisper in her ear, "I love you very much too!"

Each child really enjoys this time. I make a connection with each based on their personality and things that had happened throughout the day. It seems we have hit the nail on the head with a successful ending routine.

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