
Here we will list and explain the Small Group math activities. 

October 21, 2016
This week's math module was all about recognizing the numbers from 1-12. 
  • I gave the children a chart, number cards and a dice with the numbers 1-12 on it.. 
  • Everyone had a chance to roll the dice 10 times and then make a mark on the chart in that number column.
  • After they were done with their turns they had to find out which number they have rolled the most.
  • I gave them number cards which they had to put in order. 
  • After that I wanted them to find the number on the card they had rolled the most.
  • The children had to count by rote and keep track on how many times they had rolled the dice. 
This exercise also strengthen their focus and concentration.

October 16, 2016
The children were paired in two's and we discussed value; if something is more or less.
  • The children had a house in front of them (on paper). I had them choose their favorite color from the connector box. Every color has 10 connectors.
  • I asked them to put all the connectors on the house to make windows. Then I had them count their connectors. 
  • After that I took 2 connectors away and asked them if they would have now more or less windows on their house. 
  • They had little bowls on paper showing them the value of more, less or the same. They got to choose what they think and then put it in front of their house. 
  • Then I had them count how many connectors they have after taking two away. 
  • They counted all their connectors. We checked if it was less, more or the same by comparing the connector tower they made with the one made out of 10 connectors.

This activity supports their understanding of value and route counting. It also gives them the opportunity to discuss with their peer their findings and why they think that something is more, less or the same. 

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