Writing and Language Arts

Here we will list and explain the Small Group writing and language arts activities.

November 2, 2016
The children were given a paper where they were asked to trace a line form top to bottom. Last time we had practiced from bottom to top. With this exercise the children practiced their fine motor skills and also had the opportunity to color in the page after tracing. 

After this activity, the children put all the their papers in their work portfolios. The children are asked to identify their portfolio by finding their last name; recognizing their last name is also part of our curriculum and the children will have more opportunities to see it in print.

October 21, 2016
Today we played a gay called "Ratz Fatz".

This game supports language, concentration and eye-hand coordination. It contains approximately 40 wooden objects. We first ask the children to observe and learn the object. After clarification we start to play. I read the story provided and
the children retrieve the object on the table when it comes up in the text. 

November 4, 2016
For some time now, we have been working out writing our own version of the Three Little Pigs. In order to do so, we are working to understand the meaning of the following words:

  • setting
  • characters
  • conflict and resolution
  • beginning, middle, and end
Today we started writing!

"The three little wolves left to build their homes. The wolf is building the leaf house. The wolf goes in his house. The Big Bottom Boar (BBB) smells the wolf's fur. The BBB says, 'Little wolf little wold, let me come in.' 'Go away BBB, I'm not going to open up my door. Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!'"

November 10 (ish) - December 2
We scratched the original, brainstormed, and started over. 

This time we started by analyzing two other familiar books for setting, characters, introduction/beginning, middle/conflict, end/solution. Once the children understood these concepts, we discussed what they would be in our story.

Setting: Rainforest
Characters: Three Wolves and the Big Bottom Boar (BBB)
Houses: leaf, mud and brick
Introduction: characters, setting, gathering to decide to make their own houses.
Middle/conflict: BBB wants to eat the wolves
End/resolution: the brick house is the strongest, the wolves decide to talk to the BBB.

Once upon a time in a land far away, there were three little wolves who lived in a rainforest. These wolves have no home and no parents. One day, the wolves gathered around. 
The first wold said, "I don't want to get wet anymore!"
The second wold said, "I don't like so many leaves on my head."
The third wolf said, "I don't like stepping in mud."
The first wold said, "Let's build our own houses!"
The other two wolves responded, "yea! That's a good idea!"
So, the wolves go off to build their own houses.

The first wold steps in mud, "Ew! I stepped in mud! I can make my house out of mud!" It takes the wolf one day to build his house. He goes inside the mud house and sleeps. The wold hears a loud snorting and wakes up.
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "Little wolf, little wolf, let me in!" says the BBB.
"Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!" says the wolf.
"Then I'll wiggle my rump with a bump bump bump and SMASH YOUR HOUSE!" 
So the BBB wiggles his rump and smashes the mud house. The little wolf is scared and runs away to his sister's house.


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